Stone & Water

: Consonance of water & stone

Rocklandscapes unfold their true and cosy characteristics when combined with water.

Banks of ponds designed with rocks, waterfalls or fountain sculptures: they all have something in common: combined with the splatter of water in the background, they seem to be a bessing for our overworkes soul.

: From Pool to Pond

A pond in the garden is all the year round beautiful. As a ornamental or swimming pond it offers different beings a habitat. Enjoy the vividness and the variety of our domestic nature. In a properly arranged pond nature finds its balance and chemicals and cleaning as it is with a traditional pool isn’t neccessary any more.

: Springbrunnen & Wasserfälle

Sich bewegendes Wasser gehört zu den faszienierendsten Schauspielen der Natur. MEGASTONE Felslandschaften eignen sich sowohl zur Gestaltung von Springbrunnen, als auch für Wasserfälle, Bachläufe oder Kinderrutschen.

: Koi-Ponds

Having ornamental fish means that a lot of conditions have to be accomplished for the pond. MEGASTONE is an expert in designing Koi-ponds. Just sitting near the pond and watching your fish is a soothing relaxation.

We’d be pleased to make you an offer – just contact us.